Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just started a blog for PropBasic

I decided to create this blog to keep users up to date about PropBasic developments and to answer any questions you may have about PropBasic.

I'll blog about updates and new features. I may even ask what you users think about a potential new feature to see if it is needed/wanted.

Thanks for visiting, if you have any questions please leave a comment.



  1. Bean,

    Great Idea! I’m looking forward to being a part of this blog. I had to take off June for little league and other summer activities but I am getting starting back up.


  2. I have downloaded both SPIN and BASIC editors. I have done a few experiments using the PROP and Spin.

    Is BASIC as good as Spin , now or are you still wokigon ,improving the BASIC editor and language,

    Thanks, Mike

  3. Hi Bean,I think and also hope that this site will be joined by many many this site is a cracker of an idea.

    Do you still use a bit of Spin when using Basic ?

  4. Hello Bean,

    I am working on a navigation program using PropBASIC. Is there a PropBASIC operator for ARCTAN or can you suggest an efficient method to generate ARCTAN for my calculations?

    Thank you.
